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Kabanda, Gilbert K, Division of Cardiology and Hypertension, University of Kinshasa School of Medicine, Kinshasa, DR Congo (Congo, the Democratic Republic of the)
Kaiser, Lucia L.
Kakam, Caroline, Département de Microbiologie et Maladies Infectieuses/Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences Biomédicales, Université de Yaoundé, Yaoundé (Cameroon)
Kakamad, Fahmi, Department of Cardiothoracic, Sulaymanyah Surgical Teaching Hospital (Iraq)
Kamga, Hortense Gonsu, Département de Microbiologie et Maladies Infectieuses/Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences Biomédicales, Université de Yaoundé, Yaoundé (Cameroon)
Kanamori, Mariano, Center for Research on U.S. Latino HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse, Florida International University (United States)
Kaplan, Robert M., Clinical Excellence Research Center, Department of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (United States)
Kar, Sonali, Community Medicine, KIMS (India)
Karimkhani, Chante, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program, Yale University School of Medicine
Karimuribo, Esron D., College of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania (Tanzania, United Republic of)
Kaseb, Ahmed O., Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States)
Kato, Ikuko, Department of Oncology and Pathology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI (United States)
Kaufmann, Sophie, German Diabetes Center, Institute for Biometry and Epidemiology (Germany)
Kayembe, Patrick K, School of Public Health, University of Kinshasa, DR Congo (Congo, the Democratic Republic of the)
Kebede, Adane
Kemik, Özgür, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Yuzuncu Yıl University (Turkey)
Khanjani, Narges, Associate Professor, Environmental Health Engineering Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Kilmarx, Peter H, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Harare (Zimbabwe)
King, Nathan C, Department of Internal Medicine, Irvine School of Medicine, University of California (United States)
Koc, Bora, Department of Surgery, Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul (Turkey)
Kogevinas, Manolis, Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Barcelona, Spain (Spain)
Koliou, Maria G., Department of Environmental Health Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (United States)
Kondo, Katsunori, Center for Preventive Medical Sciences, Chiba University, Chiba; Center for Well-being and Society, Nihon Fukushi University, Nagoya (Japan)
Konstantyner, Tulio, Department of Health Sciences, University of Santo Amaro (UNISA); Department of Pediatrics, Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) (Brazil)
Korst, Lisa M., Childbirth Research Associates, Los Angeles, CA (United States)

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