IFRS 18 Implementation in Brazilian Enterprises: Challenges and Opportunities

Henrique de Castro Neves


This article delves into the challenges and opportunities faced by Brazilian enterprises in adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 18. It examines four key areas: (i) the main proposed changes of the new standards, (ii) challenges and opportunities, (iii) legal obstacles, and (iv) feasibility of timely implementation. The discussion on challenges and opportunities underscores the need for companies to align their financial reporting practices with international standards while grappling with complexities in financial statement preparation and disclosure. Legal obstacles, particularly conflicts with the Lei das S.A. (Brazilian Corporation Law), pose significant hurdles to implementation, necessitating legislative amendments or regulatory exemptions to reconcile conflicting requirements. Feasibility of timely implementation is hindered by the prevalence of outsourced accountants in Brazil and the need to coordinate with multiple external parties. Proactive measures such as early planning and collaboration with legal experts are crucial for mitigating risks and ensuring timely compliance. Through a comprehensive exploration of these topics, this article provides valuable insights into the complexities and implications of adopting IFRS 18 in the Brazilian context, offering guidance for companies navigating the transition to international accounting standards.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijba.v15n2p102

International Journal of Business Administration
ISSN 1923-4007(Print) ISSN 1923-4015(Online)


Copyright © Sciedu Press

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