Determinants of the Qualities of Diplomats in African Countries in the Western Context

Fikadie Damtie Yiblet


This article undertakes a comprehensive exploration of the historical evolution of diplomacy in African countries within the Western context, scrutinizing traditional practices, post-colonial transformations, and the enduring impact of milestones like the struggle against apartheid. While diplomacy in this context is vital for international cooperation, economic partnerships, and the projection of national interests, there persist gaps in understanding the determinants shaping diplomats' qualities.

The study addresses these gaps by thoroughly examining cultural factors, the impact of educational qualifications, the role of professional experience, and the influence of political challenges on diplomatic effectiveness. Through qualitative methodologies, including purposive sampling and thematic analysis, the research strategically selects cases aligned with the specific focus on diplomatic qualities, ensuring relevance and depth in exploring the nuances of diplomatic effectiveness.

Secondary sources, such as academic literature, historical documents, and theoretical frameworks, play a crucial role, contributing to a comprehensive exploration of the subject matter. The combination of purposive sampling and thematic analysis, supported by secondary sources, enhances the robustness of the research design, facilitating a nuanced investigation into the determinants shaping diplomatic effectiveness.

The determinants of diplomatic qualities, explored through cultural factors, educational background, and professional experience, offer a holistic understanding of how African diplomats navigate international diplomacy successfully. The study's findings contribute to a robust foundation for policymakers and practitioners to enhance diplomatic strategies, training programs, and educational curricula, ensuring the continued effectiveness of African diplomats in the Western context. Overall, this research provides valuable insights that can inform diplomatic practices, training initiatives, and educational approaches to meet the evolving demands of the African-Western diplomatic landscape.

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Journal of Management and Strategy
ISSN 1923-3965 (Print)   ISSN 1923-3973 (Online)


Copyright © Sciedu Press

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