Faculty Engagement and Student Success

Cam Caldwell, Doug Knuth


Objective: Applying thirteen elements of employee engagement to engaging business faculty, this paper explains how engaging faculty contributes to improved student success and increased trust.

Methods: The paper explains the nature of engagement and its critical importance as a relationship-based means of motivating interpersonal commitment and performance.

Results: Citing the Gallup Press research about employee engagement, the paper defines those elements, explains how they contribute to student success and clarifies how they build trust by increasing faculty engagement.

Conclusions: The paper also identifies six action steps that administrators, deans, and department heads can undertake to promote student success and build trust.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/bmr.v14n1p1


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Business and Management Research
ISSN 1927-6001 (Print)   ISSN 1927-601X (Online)

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