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Fall, Randy
Fan, Wenzhong
Fan, Yiyang (China)
Fan, Yiyang, Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (China)
Fasanmi, Samuel S., Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. Nigeria (Nigeria)
Fattahi, Shahram (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Feng, Huifang
Fernandez, Silvia Gonzalez
Fernando, Suchinthi, Nagaoka University of Technology (Japan)
Flott, Phyllis, Tennessee State University (United States)
Floyd, Larry A.
Forje, John W.
Francis, Fuamenya A.
Frank O., Nwankwo
Fujita, Yasunori
Business and Management Research
ISSN 1927-6001 (Print) ISSN 1927-601X (Online)
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