A Useful Chart for Providing Self-Assessment Opportunities to Students

Julio César Núñez García, Marisela Alfaro Tamayo


When learning something, it is of paramount importance to evaluate our progress during the several steps involved in
the process. Providing an assessment environment helps our students to reflect constantly about their performance
and the things they should avoid or do as to attain better results. It is also a necessary activity for helping them to
learn effectively the English language. As they become aware of the possibilities that offers using a tool allowing
them to assess their learning and performance, their proficiency, monitored in this type of environment, shapes the
expected results.
This article presents an experience based on the use of an assessment chart provided to students to help them
assessing themselves when learning the English language. Professors involved in the application of the chart referred
to the changes occurred in the students´ performance and their awareness about certain elements that they were not
able to identify and control previously to the implementation of the chart. After that, they considered them as of great
importance for evaluating their performance when learning the English language both as learners and as professors to

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijelt.v4n2p11


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Copyright (c) 2017 International Journal of English Language Teaching

International Journal of English Language Teaching ISSN 2329-7913 (Print) ISSN 2329-7921 (Online)

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