Google Classroom: An Effective Virtual Platform to Teach Writing in an EFL Composition Course

Kevin Armando Brand Fonseca, Federico Soto Peralta


In the face of globalization, information communication technologies (ICTs) play a paramount role in the teaching
and learning of foreign languages. This action-research was conducted with a group of sophomore students enrolled
in the course Composition at Universidad Nacional, Coto Campus. The study required the administration of two
surveys prior to and after the implementation of Google Classroom (GC) as an educational platform to assist students
during their learning process of the course. The research was aimed at revealing the students’ use ICTs to practice
their writing skill outside the classroom and analyzing the impact of GC in the development of the students writing
skill out of the school environment. The findings exposed that the use of this platform brings about benefits that
allow students and teachers ease the teaching and learning of writing. Students also expressed that they practice their
writing mainly for both academic and non-academic purposes in an engaging attractive space; lastly, students and
researchers pointed out that the experience using GC was more satisfactory than other platforms.

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