Cognitive education As a Tool for the Inclusion of Students with Specific Needs

Zuzana Babulicova, Vladimira Polackova


Aim: The aim of this study is to provide a theoretical-methodological analysis of the use of the concept of intervention activity for the development of cognitive functions as a support tool for the inclusion of students with specific needs.
Concept: From a methodological standpoint, this study operates on the foundational assumption that cognitive functions should not be viewed as an individual’s static or unchangeable attributes. Instead, it posits that these functions are dynamic and subject to modification through various interventions, experiences, and learning processes. This perspective is rooted in contemporary cognitive science, which increasingly recognizes that the brain has the capacity for neuroplasticity—that is, the ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life in response to learning and experience. For research purposes, we verified the effective cognitive education for students with special needs involves several key components, each contributing to cognitive functions’ overall development. When evaluating cognitive education’s effectiveness, it is important to consider the following elements: personalized intervention, engagement and motivation, holistic support system, impact on cognitive functions, and long-term outcomes. We monitored the participants in 10 subtests of cognitive functions before and after intervention support lasting 3 months. The research was carried out using the aforementioned quasi-experimental method. The experimental plan consisted of three basic steps: pretest, exposure, and posttest.
Results: In the contribution, we managed to formulate and defend the thesis that the concept of the intervention activity we used aimed at the development of cognitive abilities, specifically the ability to learn and study in the context of the results of the pretest and posttest. We can state that the score of individual subtests was increased, and the targeted intervention had the desired effect.
Conclusion: The main conclusion of the study is that the mentioned concept and research results are of interest to the authors, and they state that cognitive education methods and techniques are a significant accelerator of inclusive education. The activation of an individual’s cognitive potential, particularly in the context of their social environment, involves a complex interplay of factors that go beyond formal education, including tertiary education.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Zuzana Babulicova, Vladimira Polackova

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International Journal of Higher Education
ISSN 1927-6044 (Print) ISSN 1927-6052 (Online) Email:

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