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Elkaseh, Husam, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen's University (Canada)
Elst, Luce Vander, Department of General, Organic and Biomedical Chemistry, NMR and Molecular Imaging Laboratory, University of Mons, Center of Microscopy and Molecular Imaging (CMMI) (Belgium)
Eskofier, Björn M, Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany (Germany)
Estudillo Valderrama, Miguel Angel, • M. A. Estudillo-Valderrama is with CIBER-BBN, Spain, and also with the Biomedical Engineering Group, University of Seville, Seville 41092 (e-mail: mestudillo@us.es). (Spain)
Everett, Tony, School of Healthcare Studies, Cardiff University (United Kingdom)
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Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics
ISSN 2377-9381(Print) ISSN 2377-939X(Online)
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