The Impact of Zero Tolerance Policy on Children with Disabilities
The Zero Tolerance policy was intended to eliminate learners who are a danger to a learning institution (Henson,
2012). The development of this policy was to assist schools with better policing approaches of students conducts by
employing tough disciplinary action and subsequently provide a safer learning environment. While the Zero
Tolerance policy sought to reinforce security measures in schools, the students with emotional or learning disabilities
and behavioral disorders were predisposed to expulsions and suspensions (Henson, 2012). The situation is facilitated
by the all-encompassing nature of this policy as it fails to accommodate the fact that some of the behaviors
demonstrated by students with disabilities are beyond their control. While some of these behaviors are considered to
fall under the zero-tolerance policy guidelines, it subjects this group of learners several disciplinary actions that were
not initially included in addressing their special needs.
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World Journal of Education
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