Mediterranean Sea of Educational Culture: Personal Narration of a Peer Learning Activity

Kalathaki Maria


In this paper is describing an initiative in cultural, outdoor science education that took place in the west Crete-Greece
(Chania & Rethymnon counties) in 2015, and organized in collaboration with teachers and social bodies, to connect
Science, Education and Local Communities for a better quality of everyday life. The initiative concentrated in
organizing the European Educational Conference “Mediterranean Sea Connects Us: Progress in Education with
Local Communities”, which hosted as a training program that can be applied elsewhere, with different target groups,
promoting the aims of participatory acquisition of knowledge by sharing them in company, with experiential
activities in moments of joy, happiness and wisdom. Educators-officials of high level and much experienced in the
three levels of Education from Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and Romania, with representatives from local bodies, were
invited to deposit experience, aspects, ideas and expectations on future educational collaboration in the area of
Balkans, East Mediterranean and widely. As coexisting in the same geographical area, with long and important
common past, as collaborators in educational projects from the past, intended to be partners in important and
innovative future jointed actions in cultural STEM Education, for the progress of Mediterranean local educational

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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