The Correlation Between the Creative Thinking Tendency of Mathematics Teacher Candidates and Their Attitudes Towards Instructional Technologies and Material Design Lesson

Selin Çenberci, Ayşe Yavuz


Instructional Technologies and Material Design (ITMD) lesson is a tool that enables Mathematics teacher candidates
to design materials for contributing to lasting learning of their students, and use them most effectively. This lesson
helps students to activate their creative thinking skills, increase their courage and self-confidence, find different
solutions in the face of problems, and therefore introduce creative products. In this context, firstly, it is aimed to
examine the level of Mathematics teacher candidates' attitudes towards the Instructional Technologies and Material
Design lesson and their effects in terms of different variables in this study and then determine whether there is a
relationship between creative thinking tendencies of Mathematics teacher candidates and their attitudes towards
Instructional Technologies and Material Design lesson in this study. The sample of the research constitutes of 315
Mathematics teacher candidates who are studying in Mathematics Education Department spring semester of the
2016-2017 academic year of at Necmettin Erbakan University. The data were obtained by applying Marmara Creative
Thinking Tendency Scale (MCTTS) developed by Özgenel and Çetin (2017) and whose validity and reliability studies
were conducted to teacher candidates, and by applying the Attitude Scale towards Instructional Technologies and
Material Design Lesson (ASITMD) developed by Çetin, Bağçeci, Kınay, Şimşek (2013) and whose validity and
reliability studies were conducted. There was no significant difference between the Attitudes towards Instructional
Technologies and Material Design Lesson and the Creative Thinking tendencies, in terms of gender variable, but it was
found significant difference in terms of the high school graduation variable. However, it was obtained that there is a
positive and non significant relationship between creative thinking tendencies of Mathematics teacher candidates and
their attitudes towards Instructional Technologies and Material Design lesson.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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