Analysis of the Views of Preschool Teachers on Their Professional Work

Hikmet Zelyurt


The general objective of the present study was to assess the views of pre-school teachers on their professional work.
Since the research aimed to describe the current status of professional work, it was designed with the survey model.
The study group included 105 pre-school teachers determined with the single-stage sampling method. The data were
collected with Views on Professional Work Questionnaire for teachers (MEB, 2006). The data obtained in the study
were analyzed using the SPSS 21.0 software. The Mann-Whitney U-Test and the Independent Samples t-Test were
used to compare the differences between the quantitative data when there are two groups, and one-way ANOVA was
used to compare the group parameters between more than two groups. The study results demonstrated that the views
of pre-school teachers on professional work were at a good level in terms of both the beginning and the end of the
year professional work and the fulfillment of teachers’ needs by the professional work. However, the views of
pre-school teachers on the beginning and the end of the year professional work and the fulfillment of teachers’ needs
by the professional work did not demonstrate a significant difference based on gender, seniority in the teaching
profession, place of employment and participation in activities on vocational studies during the previous three years

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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