Revisiting Translation Quality Assurance: A Comparative Analysis of Evaluation Principles between Student Translators and the Professional Trans-editor
Evaluation is of paramount significance in the teaching and learning process. So is true with translation teaching and
learning. This study uses in-depth interview to qualitatively examine in which ways the student translators and the
professional trans-editor, two important stakeholders in the learning process, evaluate the work of translation. It then
subsequently compares student translators’ and the professional trans-editor’s evaluation criteria in order to analyse the
differences. This study also compares students’ pitfalls encountered during the translation process, providing students
with invaluable resources to reflect on their own translation and then to improve their translation quality. An
implication of this study is that the interaction among students, professional trans-editor, and university lecturers may
ultimately be beneficial to translator training.
learning. This study uses in-depth interview to qualitatively examine in which ways the student translators and the
professional trans-editor, two important stakeholders in the learning process, evaluate the work of translation. It then
subsequently compares student translators’ and the professional trans-editor’s evaluation criteria in order to analyse the
differences. This study also compares students’ pitfalls encountered during the translation process, providing students
with invaluable resources to reflect on their own translation and then to improve their translation quality. An
implication of this study is that the interaction among students, professional trans-editor, and university lecturers may
ultimately be beneficial to translator training.
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Copyright (c) 2019 World Journal of Education
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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