Investigation of the Physical Activity Self-Worth of Women Who Study in University
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the physical activity self-worth of women who study in university. To measure the physical activity self-worth of the participants, the “Physical Activity Self-Worth Inventory”, which was developed by Huberty et al. (2013), was employed. As a result of the data obtained, “Independent samples t-test”, which is one of the parametric tests, was conducted to evaluate the level of differentiation in the variable of gender, an independent variable. To determine the differences in the answers provided for the question, “Are there any physical activities that you do for at least half an hour or longer in a week?” and the variable of grade, “One-Way Variance Analysis” was conducted, which is one of the parametric tests. The level of statistical significance (α error level) was regarded as p<0.05. According to the faculties where the participants studied, it was determined that there were statistically significant differences in terms of the scores of physical activity knowledge subscale, physical activity emotional subscale and the total scores of physical activity self-worth inventory (p<0.05). According to the participation of the participants in physical activities, it was determined that there were statistically significant differences in terms of the scores of physical activity knowledge subscale, physical activity emotion subscale and the total scores of physical activity self-worth inventory (p<0.05). According to the grade at which the participants studied, it was determined that there were no statistically significant differences in terms of the total scores of physical activity self-worth inventory and all of its subscales (p>0.05). In conclusion, in the comparison of the students of the faculty of sports sciences to the students of other departments, it was observed that the physical activity self-worth scores of those who exercise at least half an hour were higher compared to those who exercise irregularly and those who never exercise. Accordingly, the contents of elective lessons that can increase participation in physical activities in other departments of universities should be increased. To increase the individuals’ time and frequency of participation in physical activities, informative education that includes the benefits of physical activity to general health should be conducted.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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