‘There’s no Physical Activity in Physical Education’: The Challenges of Studying Senior PDHPE in NSW, Australia
Using the theoretical frameworks of change and student voice this study examined whether the enactment of the seniorPersonal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) syllabus was received positively by students in lightof their previous experience with the junior PDHPE syllabus. In addition, the study sought to examine whether therewere any differences between the attitudes of females and males. Thirty seven senior students and two PDHPEteachers from a coeducational Christian school located in a middle class metropolitan Sydney area were recruited forthis study. A mixed method approach of questionnaire followed by interview was used. The data revealed that the mainfactors that influenced student attitudes were the disconnect in both the content focus and pedagogical practice betweenthe junior and senior syllabi. Females reported a more positive experience and were more motivated than their malepeers. The main concern for the students was the limited opportunities for physical activity and they reported that theyliked studying ‘health’ topics the least. Whether the students saw the change as manageable depended largely on theirview of their teacher. Given the findings, it is recommended that attempts should be made to close the gap between thejunior and senior PDHPE syllabi. It would also benefit student transition to senior PDHPE study if there were greaterdialogue between students and teachers to clarify their perceptions and expectations of each other.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v4n5p1
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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