Determinants of Successful Inclusive Education Practice in Lagos State Nigeria
different abilities in mainstream regular schools with the aim of achieving education for all. However, there is seriousconcern for total inclusiveness of special needs children in Nigeria. This study therefore investigated somedeterminants of inclusive education practice in Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. Samples of 227teachers and head teachers/principals were purposively selected. Data were collected using two inventories, Materialsand Manpower Inventory, and Attitudinal Inventory with reliabilities of 0.75 and 0.81 respectively. Data collectedwere analysed using Pearson moment correlation and multiple regression. Three research questions were answered.Materials, experience, mind-set and manpower showed significant relationship. There was joint contribution of allindependent variables on dependent variable with adjusted R yielding of 0.998. ‘Material’ was found to havecontributed most significantly while ‘experience’ was the least in the order of magnitude. The study thereforeconcluded that since material, mind-set, manpower, experience and qualification jointly determined the success ofinclusive education, stakeholders should ensure availability of relevant materials and as well recruit more professionalsand para-professionals for the implementation of inclusive education practice in Nigeria.
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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