Exploring Motivations of Taekwondo Athletes/Students in New York City

Howard Z. Zeng, Wojciech. J. Cynarski, Shannon Baatz, Shawn J. Park


practices and competitions in New York City (NYC). Participants were 85 taekwondo athletes/students (51 Boys,34 Girls; age range 10-22 years) from seven taekwondo schools/clubs in NYC. Data collection was done by theAdapted Questionnaire of Taekwondo Student’s Motivation (AQTKDSM). This questionnaire asked, “Whatreasons/factors motivate you to participate in taekwondo practices and competitions continually?” with 18motivation factors (MF) provided; each MF allows the participant responding in a 5-points Likert type scale (5represents "Strongly-fit" and 1 represents "Not-it"). Data analyses included descriptive statistics and a 2 x 4 (Gender[males, females] x Belt-Colors [yellow, blue, red, black]) multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Findingsincluded: The top three reasons/factors were ‘Technical content and unique value’, ‘For fun’ and ‘Shape body’ (M =4.79 to M = 4.24); these three MF possessed the highest impact power on their motivation. The results of 2 x 4MANOVA revealed: significant differences were found in both ‘Gender’ and ‘Belt-colors’; e.g., males scored overfemales in ‘Shape body’ and ‘Become a professional’; females scored over males in ‘Establish prestige’ and‘Self-defense’. As to Belt-Colors comparisons, Black scored over Red in ‘technical content and unique value’; Blueover Yellow in ‘For fun’ and Black scored over Red in ‘Make new friends’. In conclusion, the most importantmotivation reasons/factors are: ‘Value’, ‘Enjoyment’, ‘Self-esteem’, and ‘Physical needs’ four intrinsic motivations;and ‘Develop skills’, ‘Establish prestige’, ‘Build-up friendship’, and ‘Contest winners’ four extrinsic motivations.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v5n5p51

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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