Vocabulary Facilitation on Technical Modules for ESL Learners: A Case Study of a Sri Lankan Higher Educational Institute

Chathurika Senevirathna, Shashitha Jayakody, H Rangika Iroshani Peiris


This study focuses on the degree of facilitation of the English language module on a technical module offered for a
degree program in a higher educational institute in Sri Lanka. The sample consists of 5,855 words from one technical
module in the stream of Accounting and Finance and 10,554 words from one English language module prescribed for
the BBA (Special) Degree program during the first year first semester of undergraduates. The level of facilitation was
measured in terms of vocabulary; an essential component found in the empirical literature to acquire the technical
knowledge in tertiary education. In order to achieve the main objective, “whether or not the language module
facilitates the technical module” the researchers utilized Academic Word List (AWL) and examined the presence of
AWL items in both modules and compared the common distribution of AWL items. The results showed 12.33%
presence of AWL items in the technical module and 3.95% in the language module. 65 AWL word families were
identified as common to both modules. The facilitation of the language module on the technical module in terms of
vocabulary is 42.20%. Interestingly, the most frequently used 10 AWL items are not common to both modules.
Collocation and gap making can be suggested as appropriate vocabulary activities in order to enhance the exposure
of the ESL learners to vocabulary.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v6n4p1

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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