Taiwanese University Students’ Expectations of Ideal English Class Lessons

Abolfazl Shirban Sasi, Toshinari Haga


Learning English is a basic requirement amongst Taiwanese university students. A detailed scrutiny of what activities in an English class are more attractive to this need-to-be productive population would prove very useful to the education authorities. Thus, the current study has focused on the university students’ opinion on the ideal English class. The participants were 446 students from TransWorld University. A 10-item multiple-choice questionnaire based on Littlewood (2010) was the instrument.  The results revealed that girls and boys showed significant differences in their preference for English language activities. However, they had almost equal stand towards usage of language games and emphasis on correct pronunciation. Also, both genders showed the highest interest in a relaxed class atmosphere; and the lowest interest in the usage of smart phones in the class activities. Moreover, EFL-major students shared many common expectations with students of College of Hospitality and Tourism; and the least with the students of College of Management.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v8n1p37

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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