A Comprehensive Review on Significance of Problem-Solving Abilities in Workplace

Divya Karla, Vijay Kumar Pandey, Prachi Rastogi, Sunil Kumar


Problem solving is the procedure of characterizing an issue, locating the source of the problems, classifying, prioritizing, as well as picking viable options for a solution, as well as implementing solutions. Problem-solving and communication skills are examples of "transversal skills," which are defined as the capacity to exchange information from one context to another (such as workplace). An analysis of policymakers' studies reveals the relevance of developing transferrable skills in determining social groups' competitiveness and creativity. Each occupation has its own set of transversal abilities that are deemed vital for the development of integrated professional, social, as well as personal profiles. Those who can solve difficulties in groups are in high demand in today's settings. The outcomes of the organization for economic cooperation and development's evaluations for collaboration problem solving were used as an initial point. This study examines the problems and solutions for developing problem-solving abilities, which are essential and crucial in the workplace, with the primary goal of advancing scientific research in the context of linking workplaces. The prospects for the future employees with good problem-solving abilities can analyze problems, determine the severity of the situation, as well as weigh the pros and cons of various solutions. Employees who receive problem-solving trainings in the workplace are able to collaborate most effectively with coworkers, clients, partners, or suppliers.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n3p88

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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