Exploring the Practice of Action Research among English Language Teachers in Omani Public Schools and Factors Affecting its Implementation

Ahoud Al-Mamari, Abdo Mohammed Al-Mekhlafi, Fawzia Al-Seyabi, Ehab Omara


The present study explored the extent to which action research is practiced by English language teachers and the factors that affect action research implementation in the Omani ELT context. Additionally, it sought to identify different solutions that could be implemented to strengthen action research practices from the point of view of English language teachers. Data was collected through a questionnaire that was distributed among 366 English language teachers, followed by semi-structured interviews with 8 English language teachers who were actively engaged in conducting action research. There was a low level of practice of action research among English language teachers in the Omani public schools. The study also showed that insufficient time, heavy workload, lack of colleagues’ assistance and support, and lack of motivation were the main factors that hindered action research practices in the Omani ELT context. Participants suggested that providing training, support and incentives as well as encouraging collaboration with experts and publications could strengthen the practice of action research in ELT.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n5p370

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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