Autopathographical Life Writing as Distributed Subjectivity, Cognition, and Prostheses for People living with Dementia

Niranjana Ganesan, Bhuvaneswari Gopalakrishnan


Malafouris suggested that cognition does not exist in the brain but in the interaction with the material world and different forms of material culture enabled these cognitive capacities and processes or changed them over different periods. This study explores how narrative acts as a medium of embodied subjectivity, remembering, disremembering, and prostheses for a disoriented self. Further, it explains the importance of material things as a cognizer in the life of the narrator and the distributed subjectivity of a woman living with Dementia drawing its insights from autobiographical theories and the Material Engagement approach.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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