Machiavellian Imperial Dominance and Division of the Subcontinent: A Reflective Study on Indo- English Partition Literatures

Kamlesh Dangwal, Ali Alshhre


A momentous event in our modern history was the victorious crown of the British machination to promote and foster imperial interest and it was the division of the subcontinent into two separate sovereign nations India and Pakistan. The Machiavellian thirst to grab power, the indiscretion of politically biased leaders, and unrelenting clamour by the aggressive communal groups ensued towards the division of the sub-continent. The birth and transfer of power and people to two sovereign newly carved nations in the subcontinent besmear both the nations into ghastliness of communal frenzy before realizing the euphoria of independence. The cruellest and most gruesome violence that accompanied the decision to divide the subcontinent into two separate nations was the culmination of the British machination and manoeuvre. The gory of violence accompanied by partition shattered all modes of decency, nobility, and liberal humanistic values and ideals brutally and trampled all possibilities of amity, sanity, and peace forever. The cardinal features of Indian civilization i.e., peace, mutual tolerance, syncretism, socio-cultural amity, and universal brotherhood were destroyed forever.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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