Use of L2 Appropriate Formal Written Words by EFL Learners: A Study of the Contribution of DCF and MCF

Reham Alkhudiry


Considering the significance of corrective feedback and its effect on L2 vocabulary building, this study aimed to investigate the extent to which direct corrective feedback (DCF) and metalinguistic corrective feedback (MCF) could contribute to the use of L2 appropriate formal written words among Arabic L2 learners of English. A writing test (IELTS writing Task 2) as a pre and post-test was administered to gauge the participants’ (N= 96) L2 lexical resources. The sample was randomly divided into 3 groups according to the teaching feedback strategy applied: direct, metalinguistic, and control groups. The first two groups were given feedback based on their condition but the control group was given the conventional, unfocused feedback. Ten tutorial sessions on how to write formal words accurately were delivered to boost the appropriate use of L2 formal words in the writing tests. The target components of essay writing measured in the study were word choice, and the correct use of L2 formal words in writing. Findings showed the positive effects of both feedback types but metalinguistic groups outperformed the direct and control groups in the posttest. Additionally, the qualitative dimension of the study demonstrated that those who received metalinguistic feedback had more positive attitude than those who received direct feedback.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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