Editorial: Covid19 EFL/ESL/English Teaching Environment and Digital EFL/ESL/English Learning Methods

Ahdi Hassan


As a corollary to this, new trends in the field of English language teaching/learning are likely to surface, develop, and find application in the academic settings. The current global pandemic of Covid19 has caused a massive shift in teaching paradigms with previous methodologies being turned upside down due to the mass migration of education to online medium. One area that has been greatly affected is the entire ESL industry, from schools in Asia to universities in Australia, the UK and the US. No form of English teaching school has been unaffected by this global catastrophe. As a result, new methodologies especially useful for the online teaching environment must be effectively made use of. Whereas online education was formerly looked down upon in some countries, it has now become the norm. Nevertheless there are many educators who are ill-equipped to deal with this change, some students are also demotivated due to the online system of education. This special issue will focus on the Covid19 and post-Covid19 EFL/ESL/English teaching environment and digital EFL/ESL/English learning methods with the aim of creating a ready-for-reference corpus, especially for teachers with little or no formal training in online EFL/ESL/English teaching.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n7p01

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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