Peculiarities of Advertising Information Representation in the English-Language Mass Media Discourse

Iryna Kapral, Iryna Usova, Anna Maksymova, Tetiana Yefymenko, Svetlana Boyko


The relevance of the study is driven by the role of advertising as a genre of mass media discourse in the formation of collective and individual conceptual and linguistic pictures of the world, the conceptual system of the subject of interpretation of the world around him, human consciousness, structuring, formation and transformation of knowledge about the world, and interpretation of knowledge. The research material was modern English-language advertising messages on the English-language Internet. The analysis of the practical material has shown that although the analyzed advertising messages do not directly indicate the evaluation of a product or commodity, it is still implicitly traced: some advertising messages advertise high-quality, new products, while others contain an appeal. It is concluded that the linguistic interpretation of advertising messages is represented by three types: selective, classifying, and evaluative. When interpreting an advertising message, a person, as a representative of a certain society, chooses in his or her mind those units of knowledge about an object of the surrounding world that he or she possesses. In other words, selective conceptualization takes place, which means that the selective function of interpretation is realized. The classifying type of linguistic interpretation implies an appeal to certain emotions and feelings of the subject of interpretation, as well as the division of goods into categories (tasty, useful, high-quality, new), which is evident in advertising messages. It has been proven that the implicit evaluation of goods and services as objects of interpretation indicates the evaluative type of linguistic interpretation.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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