Eco Criticism: Exploring the Interplay between Literature and Environment

R. Daffiny Rishma, J. Chriso Ricky Gill


Eco-criticism is a multidisciplinary field that delves into the intricate interplay between literature and the environment. This paper examines that how literary works, spanning various genres and periods, reflect and shape our perceptions of nature and ecological issues. By analyzing the portrayal of landscapes, animals, and the natural world in literature, eco-critics shed light on humanity's relationship with the environment and the consequences of our actions. This field recognizes that literature has the power to influence our environmental consciousness and inspire change by fostering empathy, raising awareness, and challenging dominant narratives. Eco-criticism not only explores the ecological themes and motifs present in literary texts but also consider the socio-political contexts within which these works were produced. This paper delves into the key principles and contributions of Eco criticism, highlighting its significance in today's environmental discourse. As eco criticism critically examines the diverse ways in which humans perceive and interact with the natural world it also sheds light on the spectrum of human-nature relationships, ranging from domination and exploitation to harmonious coexistence. This paper also emphasizes the importance of understanding the environmental implications of literature and promotes sustainable and harmonious interactions with nature through its critical analysis.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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