Teachers' Motivation After the Implementation of the Three-term School Calendar in Saudi Arabia

Dalal Alamrani, Nurah Alfares


This study explored the perceptions of teachers of English as a foreign language regarding the effect of a new three-term calendar on their motivation. Identifying the effects of this new plan would assist the Saudi Ministry of Education in exploring the teachers’ perspective. In turn, these viewpoints can be useful for making current choices as well as enhancing and modifying future ones. Through semi-structured interviews, the results of this study found that the majority of teachers perceived the new calendar to have a positive effect on their motivation. Specifically, they reported feeling more motivated to plan and teach lessons, as well as to engage in professional development activities. Furthermore, they felt that the new calendar provided them with ample time for reflection and collaboration with colleagues. The results of this study suggest that a three-term calendar may be beneficial for teachers’ motivation levels. This change may provide teachers with more frequent breaks and opportunities for rest and rejuvenation throughout the year, potentially leading to higher overall motivation and job satisfaction.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v15n1p352

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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