An Interpretation of Wordsworth’s Poems from Psycho-Analysis

Mingxin Li


During the past two decades scholars and researchers have studied a high degree of William Wordsworth poem andpoetic theory from various angles. William Wordsworth as the founder of British Romantic poet occupies animportant position in English literary history. His literary life, works and poetical theory in the later period of FrenchRevolution had given rise to various issues; however, some critics labeled him as a passive romantic because of hisresidence in the Lake District, which influenced readers for a long time.This paper positively analyses Wordsworth poems based on psycho-analysis theory to probe into the growth of thepoet mind, laying stress on the deep motive force and the profound implication of the Returning Complex inWordsworth’s turning after the French Revolution. Soul as the focus of collective unconsciousness manifests itself inthe primitive archetype. Soul presents itself in the Universe, in humankind and in nature. In the poet’s eyes, returningto Self is to returning to soul.In the light of Karl Jung’s theory, also by the analysis of his poems, a conclusion can be drawn that Wordsworth is amore positive fighter and psychological poet than an escapist. He finds a returning way to soul.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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