Message from the Editor-in-Chief

Ingrid Harrington


The IJHE continues to be the choice of journal for many global researchers. As such, the strength of the IJHE journal is reflected in this issue’s five research articles from Canada, South Korea and Saudi Arabia. This issue has a strong focus on improving the online curriculum and learning space for students. Global events continue to dominate media outlets and present everyday challenges for some with seemingly no end or resolve. With significant political change in the air, it is important that we continue to prioritise education and lifelong learning, researching areas that will improve educational access and strategies for success. The IJHE provides an important platform for the development of theory, the addressing of policy questions, and the dissemination of innovative practice in the field of tertiary education, specifically widening participation and lifelong learning.

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International Journal of Higher Education
ISSN 1927-6044 (Print) ISSN 1927-6052 (Online) Email:

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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