A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Capellini, Vera Lucia Messias Fialho
Caramano, Elana Simone Schiavo
Cardak, Osman
Cardella, Mercedes
Chagas, Laura, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Portugal)
Chai, Hannah H.
Chang, Wenshu
Chao, Chiang-nan
Chapman, David W.
Chen, Mingli
Chen, Yi
Chepyator-Thomson, Jepkorir "Rose", University of Georgia (United States)
Chepyator-Thomson, Jepkorir Rose
Cheung, Janelle H.
Chiang, Shyh-Bao
Chinchilli, Vernon M
Chu, Tianyu, EF Education First (China)
Chu, Xiaoran
Clement, Nicholas
Coban, Gul Unal
Coelho, Ricardo
Coggins, III, Porter E.
Cole-Dixon, Angela P.
Connor, Jane A.
Cooper, Harris
Cooper, Jennifer
Cooperman, Nanette Edeiken
Creel, Eileen
Cross, Nadine
1 - 30 of 30 Items
International Research in Higher Education ISSN 2380-9183 (Print) ISSN 2380-9205 (Online)
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