Contribution of the Analysis of the Mathematical Concordance to Understand the Teachers’ KTMT

Helena Rocha


Technology is recognized by its potential to promote mathematical learning. However, achieving this potential requires the teachers to have the knowledge to integrate it properly into their practices. Several authors have intended to characterize the teachers’ knowledge and developed several models, but this approach has often been criticized by its static approach, not attending neither valuing the teachers’ practice. In this study we adopt the KTMT – Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology model, assuming the teachers’ practice as the main scenario of analysis. We focus on the options guiding the teachers’ decisions when confronted with a situation of lack of mathematical concordance while teaching functions. The situations of lack of mathematical concordance (i.e., situations where the mathematics addressed by the students is different from the one intended by the teacher) are assumed as rich and encapsulating the potential to reveal significant aspects of the teachers’ KTMT. The main goal of the study is to understand what domains of the teachers’ KTMT are highlighted in these circumstances. A qualitative methodology is adopted and one episode of one 10th grade teacher’s practice is analyzed, based on the KTMT model. The conclusions reached show the relevance of different knowledge domains, but emphasize the Mathematics and Technology Knowledge (MTK). They also raise questions about the impact of the specific technology being used on the teachers’ KTMT.

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

Copyright © Sciedu Press


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