Symbolic Analysis of the Bhagvad Gita: A Potential Methodology in the Indian Knowledge System Classroom Teaching

Gurpyari Bhatnagar, Rupinder Kaur, Lakshmi Subramanian, Radhika Visalam Krishnamoorthy


With the recent initiative to incorporate Indian Knowledge System into the university curricula at the undergraduate level across India, the Bhagvad Gita is being taught as part of this broader educational reform. Though the integration of the sacred text in the university curricula offers a unique opportunity to promote the revival of India’s rich cultural heritage, it cannot be denied that the text's density and complexity, with its intricate philosophical and metaphysical concepts, presents significant teaching challenges. The research paper offers symbolic analysis as a pedagogical approach to make the text simpler, more accessible and engaging in the classroom, helping students appreciate its depth and relevance. The paper suggests that Northrop Frye’s theory of symbols can be used as a pedagogical tool to discuss the layered meanings in the text. The paper explores the application of theory of symbols in classroom teaching, emphasizing a centripetal approach to reading texts that goes beyond surface interpretations to uncover deeper meanings. The methodology entails identification and analysis of symbols interwoven throughout the text in the classroom learning. It further discusses the process of locating the "centre" of the text, known as the monad, where all symbols converge. This central symbol transcends 'nature' and 'history' and serves as a focal point for understanding the text’s intricate and complex philosophical themes. By identifying this monad, educators can facilitate richer discussions and a more profound comprehension of literary works, thereby enriching students' analytical skills and appreciation of literature. The paper concludes that the pedagogical tool of Frye’s symbolic analysis in the class helps students recognize the text’s role as an ethical instrument for liberating the imaginative mind.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Gurpyari Bhatnagar, Rupinder Kaur, Lakshmi Subramanian, Radhika Visalam Krishnamoorthy

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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