Collaborative Multimedia Learning: Influence of a Social Regulatory Support on Learning Performance and on Collaboration

Santiago Roger Acuña, Gabriela López Aymes


computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment, specifically in a comprehension task of amultimedia text about Psychology of Communication. This support, named RIDE (Saab, van Joolingen, & vanHout-Wolters, 2007; 2012), consists in the instruction, prior to the learning task, from a series of communicationrules extracted from literature about effective collaboration. The study was carried out with 60 college students,grouped in 20 triads. Each triad was assigned to one of two conditions: with social regulatory support or withoutsupport. The students did a face-to-face collaborative task of reading comprehension, using the strategy ofcollaborative construction of concept maps from the information presented in the multimedia material. Theperformance was valued according to the quality of the concept maps, and the level of collaboration perceived byeach member of the teams was tested. We found that the condition with social regulatory support promoted higherquality concept maps; however, the social regulatory support had significant effect on the levels of collaborationperceived by the team members. In the conclusions are pointed the reach of these results for the design andimplementation of collaborative interventions, based on the use of multimedia materials.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Santiago Roger Acuña, Gabriela López Aymes

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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