The use of ChatGPT in nursing education: A novel approach to developing case studies

William H. Deane


Background: Recent changes in the NCLEX licensing examination, which now includes 3 case studies, has prompted faculty to further incorporate case-based learning into their courses. Problem: Case study resources are oftentimes geared toward higher level nursing students prompting faculty to invest in other resources and devote time re-writing them assuring suitability for novice nursing students.

Approach: With the availability of ChatGPT, faculty members now have a simple, cost-effective, resource for creating case studies appropriate for novice nursing students.

Outcomes: Using ChatGPT and an input prompt, the author created a case study suitable for beginning students that can be aligned with applying the phases of the clinical judgement measurement model.

Conclusions: Despite its infancy and limitations to use in nursing education, ChatGPT has the potential to save faculty time, and financial resources to create case studies.

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Journal of Nursing Education and Practice

ISSN 1925-4040 (Print)   ISSN 1925-4059 (Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press 
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