The impact of nursing faculty practice on education, scholarship, and service

Kelly Gonzales, Rebecca Swanson, Douglass Haas, LeAnn Holmes


Objective: There is a gap in the literature on nursing faculty practice outcome metrics. The purpose is to describe education, scholarship, and service outcomes achieved through faculty practice at a Midwest university.

Methods: A descriptive study using a survey to collect data on faculty practice over a six-month period.

Results: Faculty who engage in practice are ideally positioned to further the tripartite mission of academic nursing and extend beyond the service of patient care, bringing cutting-edge knowledge to education, and translating research into practice.

Conclusions: A synergistic relationship exists between the tripartite missions when a faculty engages in practice.

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Journal of Nursing Education and Practice

ISSN 1925-4040 (Print)   ISSN 1925-4059 (Online)

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