Research on Teacher Self-efficacy in Turkey: 2000-2017
In this study, 48 empirical studies on teacher self-efficacy published between 2000-2017 were reviewed in terms of
certain basic characteristics, and the research trends were revealed in this area. According to the results obtained in
the review, teacher self-efficacy studies in the Turkish context showed an increase in the course of time. Teacher
self-efficacy in a specific area was observed to be frequently examined within the context of teaching a subject or
using technology in education. This increase in the number of studies did not reflect much on the diversity of the
research methods employed, and the studies were often conducted by using quantitative methods. Elementary and
middle schools were mostly chosen as the research context. Furthermore, the amount of research on three
self-efficacy areas (i.e. collective teacher efficacy, teacher self-efficacy sources, and teachers’ general self-efficacy)
were considerably limited. Moreover, none of the studies examined the relationship between teacher self-efficacy
and collective teacher efficacy and student achievement. Common findings of the studies showed that teacher
self-efficacy was a strong predictor or a mediator variable. In this sense, researchers are suggested to study how
self-efficacy can be developed experimental and longitudinal works and to conduct studies to reveal insights about
collective efficacy in schools, teachers’ general self-efficacy, and the outcomes of these efficacy characteristics.
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Copyright (c) 2018 World Journal of Education
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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