Appraisal of Managerial Roles of Study Centre Coordinators of College of Distance Education, University of Cape Coast
The study assessed how students and course tutors on distance education programmes of the College of Distance
Education, University of Cape Coast appraised their study centre coordinators’ performance in terms of human
relations, behaviour, organising teaching and learning facilities; and handling complaints. This type of appraisal,
where students and tutors representing customers and subordinates respectively, is usually referred to as the
360-feedback method in human resource management. Concurrent embedded study design from the pragmatists’
epistemic approach was adopted for the study. Simple random and purposive sampling technique were respectively
used to sample 1228 final year students and 217 course tutors from 53 study centres; and five coordinators from each
of the three Zones across the ten regions of Ghana for triangulation purposes. Data was analysed with descriptive
statistics, independent t-test and a one-way between-groups analysis of variance. The study found that coordinators’
behavior and human relations were rated higher as compared to complaints handling and organising study centre
activities. This was blamed on lack of capacity to address most of students and tutors challenges; and teaching load
of coordinators. It was recommended that the management of College of Distance Education should increase the
capacity of coordinators for district and regional study centres as well as the Zones in terms of resources and
technology to be able to take immediate steps to solve students and tutors’ complaints.
Education, University of Cape Coast appraised their study centre coordinators’ performance in terms of human
relations, behaviour, organising teaching and learning facilities; and handling complaints. This type of appraisal,
where students and tutors representing customers and subordinates respectively, is usually referred to as the
360-feedback method in human resource management. Concurrent embedded study design from the pragmatists’
epistemic approach was adopted for the study. Simple random and purposive sampling technique were respectively
used to sample 1228 final year students and 217 course tutors from 53 study centres; and five coordinators from each
of the three Zones across the ten regions of Ghana for triangulation purposes. Data was analysed with descriptive
statistics, independent t-test and a one-way between-groups analysis of variance. The study found that coordinators’
behavior and human relations were rated higher as compared to complaints handling and organising study centre
activities. This was blamed on lack of capacity to address most of students and tutors challenges; and teaching load
of coordinators. It was recommended that the management of College of Distance Education should increase the
capacity of coordinators for district and regional study centres as well as the Zones in terms of resources and
technology to be able to take immediate steps to solve students and tutors’ complaints.
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Copyright (c) 2018 World Journal of Education
World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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