Challenges of Pronunciation Practices in the ESL Curriculum within the CLT Framework in Bangladesh: A Systematic Review

Md. Abdul Qader, Tanzin Ara Ashraf, Sirajum Monira, Muhammad Asadul Islam, Mir Rumi Mustafizur Rahman


This systematic review explores the challenges of pronunciation in the ESL curriculum within the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) framework in Bangladesh. Pronunciation, a critical component of language proficiency, often presents significant hurdles for ESL learners. The review highlights key issues such as inadequate teacher training, limited resources, and the influence of native language interference. It also examines the impact of large class sizes and the lack of individualized attention on learners' pronunciation skills. The CLT framework, while promoting communicative competence, sometimes overlooks the explicit teaching of pronunciation, further complicating the acquisition process. This study synthesizes findings from various research articles to provide a comprehensive understanding of these challenges. It underscores the need for targeted professional development for teachers, the integration of technology, and the inclusion of pronunciation-focused activities in the curriculum. By addressing these issues, the ESL curriculum in Bangladesh can better equip learners with the necessary pronunciation skills for effective communication.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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