Strategies Development for Sustainable Development Student’s Career Values Education in Higher Vocational Colleges, Hunan Province

Xu Hui, Luxana Keyuraphan, Phadet Kakham, Sarayuth Sethakhajorn, Chawalit Jujia


This study aimed to 1) study the current situation of students’ career values in the higher vocational college in Hunan province, 2) study strategies for sustainable development of students’ career values in the higher vocational college in Hunan province, and 3) evaluate the feasibility of the strategies for sustainable development students' career values in the higher vocational college in Hunan province. This study employed a mixed methods research design, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. According to the Krejcie and Morgan sampling table, the sample group of this research will consist of 384 students randomly selected from 6 higher vocational colleges in Hunan to study the current situation of students’ career values education in higher vocational colleges in Hunan province. The research instruments were 1) a questionnaire, 2) a structured interview, and 3) an evaluation form. Data analysis was used for percentage, M, and content analysis. The research findings revealed the following: 1) the current state of students' career values in higher vocational colleges in Hunan Province in four aspects was high (M =3.93). Considering the results of this research, aspects ranged from the highest to lowest level were as follows: the highest level was career skills (M =3.96), followed by career psychology (M= 3.94), career planning (M = 3.92), and career ethics was the lowest level (M = 3.89); 2) the strategies for improving the sustainable development of students' career values education in higher vocational colleges in Hunan Province divided into four aspects which contain 29 measures. There are 5 measures for enhancing career ethics, 6 measures for enhancing career skills, 9 measures for enhancing career psychology, and 9 measures for enhancing career planning; and 3) the adaptability and feasibility of strategies for improving the sustainable development of students' career values education in higher vocational colleges in Hunan Province in four aspects were at the highest level with the M=4.80 and M=4.80 which are adaptable and feasible.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Xu Hui, Luxana Keyuraphan, Phadet Kakham, Sarayuth Sethakhajorn, Chawalit Jujia

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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