Rethinking Education for Sustainable Development in Africa

Kenneth B. Dipholo, Idowu Biao


This paper makes a case for a revalorization of all indigenous knowledges in general and African indigenous knowledges in particular. It invites African policy makers and intellectuals to do a little more to bring indigenous knowledges within African educational stream with the view to increasing the potentials of development in Africa.  Since there exists a variety of educational theories, including the functionalist, the conflict, the critical, the pragmatic and the afrocentric educational theories, the paper advises that the adoption of the pragmatic and afrocentric educational theories will integrate African indigenous knowledges and current educational systems and thereby promote the development of a holistic African educational system. Consequently, three recommendations have been proffered that will enhance the development of indigenous knowledges and integration of same within the current African educational system.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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