Reforming the Education System in Bangladesh: Reckoning a Knowledge-based Society

Md. Nasir Uddin Khan, Ebney Ayaj Rana, Md. Reazul Haque


Education renders people with certain capabilities that prepare them to contribute to the social and economicdevelopment of the nation. Such capabilities turn them into human capital which, according to developmenteconomists, raises productivity when increased. Following an exhaustive review of literature on education research,this paper, however, aims at exploring the effectiveness of Bangladesh’s present education system in deliveringquality education as well as reckoning the prospect of establishing a knowledge-based society in the nation. Thispaper, being qualitative in nature, reveals that the nation has achieved an exemplary success in primary education asregards increased enrolment rate, while the enrolment rate is not satisfactory in secondary schooling and the tertiaryeducation is expanding. However, the quality of education imparted at all the primary, secondary and tertiary levelsis not up to the mark to create a strong human capital and reckon the prospect of knowledge-based society in thecountry. A number of reform measures are required to be undertaken in order to ensure quality education and createan effective knowledge base in the nation.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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