Uncovering University Students’ Readiness through Their Assessment of Workplace Communication Skills
Employers in today’s competitive and challenging global world prefer employees who possess “soft skills” inaddition to “hard skills” because they make an impact and create a good impression in the workplace. This studyexamined employment readiness of the University of Botswana (UB) students who took the AdvancedCommunication Skills (GEC 213) course in 2013. It also explored their perceptions on the importance of these skills.A triangulation approach was used involving a survey and interview to explore issues pertinent to the study questions.Ninety (90) students enrolled for the GEC 213 course completed a questionnaire and six (6) were interviewed face toface. The study found that the students regarded the skills taught in GEC 213 as very important and that morestudents should be enrolled in this course. The study suggests the infusion of these skills in other courses in theUniversity, and that workshops should be conducted for all the other teaching staff on how to infuse communicationand other soft skills in their courses. The study therefore recommends more research to get the views of employersregarding the readiness of the UB graduates for employment and for using soft skills. It also recommends a studycomparing the perceptions of the employees with those of the University of Botswana students with regard to thestudents’ readiness for employment.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v4n5p21
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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online)
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