A CHAT Approach of Light and Colors in Science Teaching for the Early Grades

Eleni Kolokouri, Katerina Plakitsi


This article describes a research study on the connection of Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) with ScienceEducation in the early grades. The research study took place in the University of Ioannina, Greece with the supportof the @fise research group. Within this frame, a narrative about light, colors and shadows was written as part of anInnovative Science Curriculum for the early grades. As a next step, the narrative was turned to a 20 minute animationin the scratch program and a series of science activities about light, colors and shadows were designed. The ScienceCurriculum was implemented in 4 pre-primary school classrooms. Research data included observations, field notes,video recordings, interviews and classroom materials. All collected data were analyzed through the Nvivo9qualitative research software. Results have shown that CHAT is a promising field for Science Education in the earlygrades as pupils participate in meaningful cultural activities and receive guidance for improving or appropriatingactions. In this sense learning of scientific concepts has been proved a creative component of methods, interactionsand social practices. All in all, CHAT offers the potential to participate in meaningful cultural activities and receivescaffolding for improving of actions towards an inspiring object into the whole activity system.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wje.v6n4p1

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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