Leadership Style and Organisational Success

Poonam Rajharia, Aditya Sharma, Meenakshi Sharma, Bushra Sumaiya


Leadership is defined in business as a company's management's ability to establish and accomplish tough objectives, react quickly and effectively when required, outperform the competition, and empower staff. Encourage you to put out your best effort. It might be difficult to assess a firm's management and other qualitative features when the contrast of quantitative data is often recorded and extremely simple to compare among organizations. A company's and its employees are guided by leadership. Employees should be aware of business rules and processes, as well as the measures necessary to attain their objectives. Employees are taught how to properly meet their obligations by their bosses, and their progress is tracked on a regular basis. We addressed fundamental leadership abilities and how they are effectively helping individuals in this research. Leadership can also mention to a more holistic solution, such as the impression given by a top business or the culture created by management. The future focus of the study will be on the application and understanding of leadership qualities.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v12n3p71

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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