Challenges Facing Jordanian EFL Translation Students When Translating Literary Texts

Muntaha Farah Samardali, Atika Mohammad Ismael


The goal of this research is to look into literary text translation. The purpose of this study is to discover the challenging elements of literary texts among translators of English translation specialists at Jordanian Universities in translating a literary text. This study intends to uncover the most prevalent errors made by students while translating literary texts, as well as to compare how these students translate metaphor and other figures of speech. The qualitative research design was used by the researcher to attain the study's purpose. The participants in this study were 20 translation students from different Jordanian universities. The study found that one of the biggest obstacles for literary translators is that they do not have a strong understanding of both languages' literature. This research found that the most common errors were directly tied to the employment of translation techniques in literary texts. Furthermore, students of translation were missing one of the key features. They lack a sense of literary translation. According to the findings, translation departments should focus on teaching methodologies and approaches for translating literary materials. It also suggests that a study be conducted to compare the differences in translation between translation specialists and linguistic experts. In fact, this new contrast could bring up some fresh thoughts.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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