Oral Corrective Feedback and Error Analysis: Indonesian Teachers’ Beliefs to Improve Speaking Skill

Karisma Erikson Tarigan, Margaret Stevani, Fiber Yun Almanda Ginting, Meikardo Samuel Prayuda, Dyan Wulan Sari, Bogor Lumbanraja


This research was to investigate Indonesian teachers’ beliefs about the application of oral corrective feedback in Indonesian students’ EFL classrooms. It was limited to oral corrective feedback given for lexical, phonological, and syntactical errors in English conversation class. The participants of this research were 36 English teachers and 65 Indonesian students of English as a foreign language. This research utilized both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including the use of a close-ended questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and audio-recording to find the effectiveness of oral corrective feedback on students’ errors in speaking skills. The data analysis revealed: (1) the grammatical errors in students’ oral proficiency, (2) the most type of English teachers’ oral corrective feedback, (3) the students’ uptake in speaking skills, (4) the analysis of the use of oral corrective feedback, (5) the kinds of the students’ error based on English teachers’ experiences, (6) the students’ self-awareness of language errors, (7) the way of English teacher when delivering oral corrective feedback, (8) the students’ reasons to use oral corrective feedback based on English teachers’ beliefs, and (9) English teachers’ motivations to use oral corrective feedback. These findings suggested that English teachers should understand the students’ diverse needs, concerns, and expectations toward error correction according to their level of language proficiency.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v13n6p140

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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