Subtitling Cross-Cultures: Unveiling Audience Reactions to the Subtitling of the Iraqi Action Movie "Mosul" into English

Shaima Alrais, Zakaryia Almahasees


This study scrutinizes how the viewers reacted to the Iraqi Action Movie "Mosul," subtitled into English. The study designed a questionnaire of 22 items and disseminated it to undergraduate and postgraduate students who are specialists in English Language and Translation studies at three Iraqi Universities. They were asked to watch the subtitled version of the Iraqi dialect movie Mosul. They responded to a 21-item questionnaire of five constructs, mainly movie-watching habits, Iraqi vernacular, technical aspects, Comprehensibility, attitudes, and future recommendations. The analysis revealed that the participants responded positively to the interlingual subtitling of Iraqi vernacular action movies into English. The study analysis showed statistically significant evidence that people prefer to watch Iraqi movies subtitled interlingually into English than those subtitled interlingually in Modern Standard Arabic.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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