Formation of Communication of Educational Institutions Using Social Networks

Ihor, Parfeniuk, Viktoriia Haludzina-Horobets, Maryna Lysyniuk, Vadym Osaula, Artem Onkovych


Objective: The article is devoted to studying the theory and development of social networks' practical aspects in the educational institutions' communication system. The relevance of the research is formed by the growing interest in social networks among young people and the problem of ineffective, outdated teaching technologies that have little involvement among students. The study aims to develop recommendations for social network use in a comprehensive educational institution's communication system. Methods: To solve the question, SWOT analysis, grouping, data analysis, synthesis, and generally scientific methods of induction and deduction are used. Results: The study's results are 1) identification of the student's predisposition to gain knowledge in social networks; 2) identification of effective ways of presentation and educational information; 3) identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of social networks in the educational process; 4) assessment of the technological possibility of implementing social networks in the educational process; 5) assessment of the possibility of applying different information types for effective communication; 6) a list of recommendations for the implementation of social networks in the overall educational communications system. Conclusions: The novelty of the study is formed by a set of relevant recommendations. The practical significance lies in the implementation of the recommendations in the different countries educational systems.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ihor, Parfeniuk, Viktoriia Haludzina-Horobets, Maryna Lysyniuk, Vadym Osaula, Artem Onkovych

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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